Hygiene certificate for the Hellersen Sports Clinic

Award in hand hygiene / Few wound infections thanks to good concept

Hygiene is the be-all and end-all in hospitals. The Hellersen Sports Clinic not only implements this with an excellent safety and hygiene concept with regard to prevention of the coronavirus. The orthopedic special clinic can also be pleased about an award for the quality of hand hygiene. It received the silver certificate as part of the "Clean Hands Campaign".

The evaluation criteria include, for example, the provision of disinfectant dispensers on all wards, the amount of disinfectant used and the behavior or use of employees, which is monitored by the hygiene department. In addition, notices on hygienic hand disinfection are posted in all patient rooms at the Hellersen Sports Clinic, indicating how and when patients should disinfect their hands.

Beyond hand hygiene, the Hellersen Sports Clinic also places great emphasis on hygiene and prevention. For example, as a specialized orthopedic clinic where mainly scheduled procedures are performed, the clinic has the luxury of being able to take comprehensive preventive action. "For example, our patients are given a disinfectant full-body washing agent and instructions on how to do this before they are admitted to the hospital for surgery. Before major operations, for example in the field of endoprosthetics, a nasal gel is also handed over for use. These measures are used to minimize the risk of bringing germs with us from the outset and thus also that of wound infection," says Ingelore Gester-Büdenbender, specialist nurse for hygiene and infection prevention at the Hellersen Sports Clinic.

And beyond the current corona test prior to admission, patients are also screened in advance for risk factors regarding MRSA bacteria. Almost every patient is given a corresponding MRSA smear in advance and the patient is only admitted after a negative result - just as with the Corona test. "The consequence of our approach is a very low wound infection rate. Numerous statistics prove our successful work, but also serve us as a quality assurance measure," says Ingelore Gester-Büdenbender.


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Sarah Burghaus
Head of Marketing, Corporate Communication & PR, Press Spokesperson

Marie Schulz
Public Relations